# Parse IPN Messages

When webhooks are triggered in the gateway, a notification is sent as a POST request to the specified destination URL. The post body contains two x-www-form-urlencoded parameters:

  • pg_signature
  • pg_payload

This payload is signed to ensure that the message originated from OMPay and was not modified in transit. The message is identical to standard API responses and contains a snapshot of the related entity at the time the IPN was triggered.

# Exceptions

An invalid signature exception is raised if the IPN you attempt to parse has an invalid signature.

# Handling notifications

  • PHP
function notification_handler(){

	$pgSignature = $_POST["pg_signature"];
    $pgPayload = $_POST["pg_payload"];

    // Return to home page if empty payload or signature
    if (empty($pgPayload) || empty($pgSignature)) {

    $header = array_change_key_case(apache_request_headers(),CASE_LOWER);
    $header_authorization = $header['authorization'];
    // Check if authorization header is equal to the IPN private key
        if($header_authorization !== $this->ipn_pkey){
            return http_response_code(401);

    $notification = LAMMA_Notification::parse($pgSignature, $pgPayload);		

    $response = false;

    if($notification->resource_type == LAMMA_Notification::TYPE_PAYMENT){

        if($notification->kind == LAMMA_Notification::KIND_PAYMENT_CAPTURE_COMPLETED)
            $response = $this->notification_payment_captured($notification);
        else if($notification->kind == LAMMA_Notification::KIND_PAYMENT_CAPTURE_DENIED)
            $response = $this->notification_payment_capture_denied($notification);		
        else if($notification->kind == LAMMA_Notification::KIND_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZATION_VOIDED)
            $response = $this->notification_payment_authorization_voided($notification);
        else if($notification->kind == LAMMA_Notification::KIND_PAYMENT_REFUND_COMPLETED)
            $response = $this->notification_payment_refunded($notification);
        else if($notification->kind == LAMMA_Notification::KIND_PAYMENT_REFUND_DENIED)
            $response = $this->notification_payment_refund_denied($notification);
            $response = true;
        $response = true;

    $http_code = $response ? 200 : 400;

    return http_response_code($http_code);

# Notification Message structure

  • # id string

    Identifier of the Notification Message Sent

  • # create_time datetime

    Notification Message creation time as defined in RFC 3339 Section 5.6 (opens new window).

  • # resource_type string

    Notification resource type. Valid values are payment, subscription, account_updater

  • # kind string

    Event kind that triggered the notification


      Authorization is created successfully


      Authorization is declined for some reason


      Sale (authorisation and capture) successfully created.


      Authorization successfully cancelled


      Authorization void declined for some reason


      Payment transaction captured successfully


      Payment transaction capture declined for some reason


      Payment transaction capture deferred


      Payment transaction refunded successfully


      Payment transaction refund declined for some reason


      Payment transaction refund deferred

  • # resource object

    payload associated with the notification event message. This payload will highly depend on the notification kind.

# Payment Notification Resource

If notification resource type is payment, the resource object structure is defined below :

  • # id string

    Identifier of the payment resource created.

  • # reference_id string

    In case of referenced payment (e.g., Capture or Refund), this fields included to see which payment was referenced.

  • # state string

    The state of the payment, authorization, or order transaction. The value is:

    • Authorised. The transaction was successfully authorised.
    • Pending. The transaction is currently pending.
    • Captured. The transaction has been captured.
    • Refunded. The transaction has been refunded.
    • Declined. The transaction has been declined.
    • Expired. The transaction has been expired.
    • Cancelled. The transaction has been cancelled.
    • Voided. The transaction has been voided.
    • Timeout. The transaction has been timeout.
    • Deferred Refund. The transaction refund has been deferred.
    • Flagged. The transaction has been flagged.
    • Deferred Capture. The transaction Capture has been deferred.
    • Card Verified. The card has been verified.
  • # invoice_number string

    invoice number to track this payment (Maximum length: 50.)

  • # payer_id string

    Encrypted Payer ID.

  • # credit_card_id string

    ID of the credit card being saved for later use.

  • # amount object

    Amount being collected.

  • # create_time datetime

    Payment creation time as defined in RFC 3339 Section 5.6 (opens new window).

# result

  • # code string

    Code identifying the result on our system

  • # message string

    Message related to the code

  • # description string

    Long description of the code identifying the result on our system

  • # authorisation_code string

    Authorisation code:

    When the payment is authorised successfully, this field holds the authorisation code for the payment. When the payment is not authorised, this field is empty.

    Example: 58747

  • # cascaded string

    Indicates whether the transaction has cascaded to another acquirer

  • # risk_check string

    Indicate whether risk checks was enabled and performed

  • # redirect_url string

    When the payment flow requires a redirect, this contains information about the redirect URL.

  • # actions ArrayOf(action)

    List of actions performed by the payment transaction and its corresponding results.

# action

  • # code string

    Code identifying the result on our system

  • # message string

    Message related to the code

  • # description string

    Long description of the code identifying the result on our system

  • # action string

    The name of the action performed by the payment transaction to obtain the corresponding result

  • # id string

    Identifier of the payment resource created corresponding to the action performed.

  • # state string

    State of the payment action performed. The value is:

    • Authorised. The transaction was successfully authorised.
    • Pending. The transaction is currently pending.
    • Captured. The transaction has been captured.
    • Refunded. The transaction has been refunded.
    • Declined. The transaction has been declined.
    • Expired. The transaction has been expired.
    • Cancelled. The transaction has been cancelled.
    • Voided. The transaction has been voided.
    • Timeout. The transaction has been timeout.
    • Deferred Refund. The transaction refund has been deferred.
    • Flagged. The transaction has been flagged.
    • Deferred Capture. The transaction Capture has been deferred.
    • Card Verified. The card has been verified.

# amount

  • # currency string

    The three-character ISO-4217 currency code.

  • # total string

    The total amount charged to the payee by the payer. Maximum length is 10 characters, which includes:

    • Seven digits before the decimal point.
    • The decimal point.
    • Two digits after the decimal point.