# Refund Payments

A sale is a completed payment. A captured payment is an authorized and captured payment. You can refund both sales and captured payments.

There are two types of refunds you might need to process:

  1. Full refund A full refund returns the total amount of the transaction to the customer — it can only be performed once.

  2. Partial refund A partial refund returns a sum less than the captured amount. A payment can be refunded multiple times, but cannot exceed the original payment amount.


  • Refunds can be made in via the Dashboard or by using this API endpoint . Once processed, it is not possible to cancel a refund.
  • Any refunds for less than the original captured amount will be considered partial refunds.

    Request example
    • Shell
    • JavaScript
    curl -X POST \
      https://api.ompay.com/v1/merchants/w3z8dfhkzvfq0j9n/payment/W94Q5D31NWIRD90XYUI8/refund \
      -H 'authorization: Basic ODZidWQ0Y2JremlxOXZmYzoweHI1ZDkwOHo2bmo4a2h6' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -d '{
            "amount": "110.00",
              "field1":"this is a test"
    Response example
        "id": "U1Y04VFRJ249D7XKJ6D8",
        "reference_id": "W94Q5D31NWIRD90XYUI8",
        "state": "refunded",
        "result": {
            "code": "0000",
            "description": "Approved"
        "transaction": {
            "amount": {
                "currency": "USD",
                "total": "110.00"
            "mode": "1",
            "invoice_number": "123455"
        "create_time": "2023-09-05T09:16:38Z"

    # Request

    # Header parameters

    The request require a Basic authentication in the header. For more information about HTTP request headers, see HTTP request headers.

    # Request parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    merchant_id required string Encrypted Merchant account identifier for the Merchant
    reference_id required string Id of the initial transaction, usually this correspond to the authorisation ID.