# Retrieve Hosted Payment Page Status
This endpoint allows merchants to inquire about the status of the hosted payment page session. The endpoint can return the following valid session states:
State | Description |
Pending | The session state is set to pending immediately after the HPP session is created |
Processing | The session state changes to processing when the customer inputs their card details on the HPP and selects 'pay' |
Used | Upon completion of the payment process by the customer, the session state is updated to used |
Expired | If the HPP session is created, but not used (within 1hour), the session state is updated to expired |
# Retrieving a HPP session
Request example
- Shell
- JavaScript
curl -X GET \
https://api.ompay.com/v1/merchants/w3z8dfhkzvfq0j9n/hosted-payment/session/469d9a8b7f414d05939636f9e5dc5121 \
-H 'authorization: Basic ODZidWQ0Y2JremlxOXZmYzoweHI1ZDkwOHo2bmo4a2h6' \
-H 'content-type: application/json'
Response example
"session_id": "469d9a8b7f414d05939636f9e5dc5121",
"session_state": "pending"