# Retrieve Hosted Payment Page Status

This endpoint allows merchants to inquire about the status of the hosted payment page session. The endpoint can return the following valid session states:

State Description
Pending The session state is set to pending immediately after the HPP session is created
Processing The session state changes to processing when the customer inputs their card details on the HPP and selects 'pay'
Used Upon completion of the payment process by the customer, the session state is updated to used
Expired If the HPP session is created, but not used (within 1hour), the session state is updated to expired

# Retrieving a HPP session

    Request example
    • Shell
    • JavaScript
    curl -X GET \
     https://api.ompay.com/v1/merchants/w3z8dfhkzvfq0j9n/hosted-payment/session/469d9a8b7f414d05939636f9e5dc5121 \
      -H 'authorization: Basic ODZidWQ0Y2JremlxOXZmYzoweHI1ZDkwOHo2bmo4a2h6' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' 
    Response example
            "session_id": "469d9a8b7f414d05939636f9e5dc5121",
            "session_state": "pending"

    # Session State example